

Abby and Kloee have both had a great softball season. They play in different leagues so we are at the ball field or at practices 4-5 days a week.
Both their teams have made it into the finals and both are going to the State tournament in July.
We have been having so much fun and the girls have made so much progress this season.

Steve promised the girls that for any base hit that they make in a game he will take everyone for icecream after the game....we have gone for alot of icecream these past few weeks. They are doing so great!
Go Astros and Diamondbacks!!!
Way to go girls!!!

1 comment:

Paige said...

I'm not a blog stalker, I'm just looking for an old roomie from Ricks with the married name Denise Jardine and your blog came up. She is from Pocatello, ID and would be 33-34 years old. If you have any info, just leave a comment on my blog. Thanks!